Reprogramming Your DNA

What if you could “reprogram” your DNA…and thereby your
very cells themselves?

In 2004, the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know” illustrated the
possibility that repetitive negative thoughts triggering
repetitive negative emotions could so bathe our cells in
certain hormones and neurotransmitters that the cells themselves
would actually shift their receptors—–what they were “tuned”
to respond to—–to such a degree that they became “addicted”
to those emotions and no longer responsive to basic nutrients…

Now more and more research from different sources—–particularly
quantum physics,  medicine,  spiritual traditions, and even
understanding of how computers and the internet work—–are
suggesting profound connections in how our words and language,
our thoughts, and our feelings can affect our cells all the way
down to our DNA…and even the world around us.

This is too “big” a topic to go into in depth today.

For now, just recognize that what you’re thinking and feeling
on a repetitive basis could have a profound affect on your
physical experience…and on your cells.

So practice choosing “good” thoughts—–thoughts that feel good.

Or as Joel Osteen recently said, “Expect Good Things”–—a phrase
I now have written on my mirror in blue dry-erase marker so I
see it frequently as I continue to “reprogram” my own brain and
the patterns in my body.

To your ever-increasing wellness and joy,

Dr. Ben

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

6 thoughts on “Reprogramming Your DNA”

  1. Hi Dr. Ben and Everyone,
    Each day and by the hour your articles get so inspiring and so deep with such simple words. Thank for putting this up. I actually saw Joel Osteen speech two weeks ago and it was all about faith and expecting good from life. I love how you tied this to the DNA because it rings true. The actions of today vibrate into distant future of tomorrow. I am don’t have a place of my own yet, so I cant put that phrase up on the mirror, so I decided to put it in my car right near the gas monitor. Thanks again.

  2. Wonderful, Zack–thanks for sharing your own progress and response…glad you’re taking steps daily to apply what you’re learning!

  3. “We must magnify that which is right instead of that which is wrong.” This statement is very essential to our success or failures. The Joel Osteen service was very enriching and uplifting. The part you mentioned above about expecting good things and reprogramming our DNA is essential. If you think about how someone who always has a good time and is happy looks physically and socially compared to someone who is always negative and complaining, the results are obvious. How we choose to live and do in our life determines not only our health but how those around us are affected. Thanks for the words.

  4. Just finished a NEW excellent book called THE SPONTANEOUS HEALING OF BELIEF (shattering the paragigm of false limits) author Gregg Braden.

    Check it out!

  5. Yes, Gregg Braden’s book is a great resource, Mick–thanks for sharing, Dana! Gregg does a good job of communicating the progression of science that has led to what we know now, and of “translating” it into what it means for you and me in our lives today.

    Another resource that touches on many of these ideas and the research behind them very quickly but profoundly is Dr. Ted Edwards’ article here:


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